Customer Testimonials

Customers Love Us. Here's Why!


“The offerings they give for the flooring industry have been a valuable asset to me personally as a sales rep for Southwind building products. I recommend them to any and all showrooms in my territory. All of my stores have samples of the Versatrim line.”

—Thomas Yauger, Southwind


“Versatrim is a company that provides quality products that add great value to our flooring programs. We are so pleased to align ourselves with such a great partner.”

— Billy Ko Johnson Hardwood


“Floors and More highly recommends using Versatrim moldings and accessories as a superior solution for any flooring project. Versatrim offers durable long-lasting moldings with no minimums, industry leading quick lead times and expert color coordination. A true testament to their award-winning products and service.”

— Vinnie Virga, Jr., Vice President of Floors and More


“Our collaboration with Versatrim has been exceptional from the start. The process of establishing Tarkett Home’s trim program was impressively smooth and efficient, guaranteeing a seamless transition for not only us, but also our distributors. A key asset in this partnership has been the readiness of Versatrim representatives to provide prompt answers to questions, offer their expert assistance in product knowledge training, and actively participate with us at trade shows. This comprehensive support has truly been invaluable, enhancing the strength and success of our partnership.” 

— Travis Cramer, Sr., Director Product Management with Tarkett